Beginner Workshop Series: This 6 x week series starts 16 August

Posted 10 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Curly West will be teaching this 6 week series  at Tauranga Yoga Centre.

Where: 173 Elizabeth St west

When: --Series begins Saturday 16/8/2014

Time:     11am to 12.30 pm

Cost:      $50 for the 6 weeks or $12 per class. (To gain maximum benefit from this introduction to yoga, students are encouraged  to attend all sessions)

  • Bring a yoga mat if you have one (TYC hires them for $1 & also  sells them)
  • wear roomy comfortable clothing 
  • Please arrive at class before it starts

To register email and provide your name & contact details  or phone  Sue on 0223503891

  • Prepayment is appreciated. Pay to --a/c 38 9004 0616591 00 -ref Curly beg $50
  • Fees can also be paid on the day with cash or cheque (No Eftpos)

NB: This series is not included in the $70 term fee .

For more information please read the attached flier






beg workshop b&w 4 printing final july29.pdf

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