Tauranga Yoga Centre’s AGM- Wednesday 14 March @ 7.15pm

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

 Want to help govern your centre this year ? 
Do you have minute taking skills Or financial/accounting skills?
Or other skills/experience

 Your committee needs you!

(you must be a current TYC member to stand)

  • Nominations for committee can be made prior to, or on the night of the AGM.   

If you can't committ to being on committee - would you like to be a part of a team looking ahead at how TYC may look & what it might deliver in 4-10years.  Got some skills /ideas you think can assist ? then become a part of the 'focus group'

 have any questions about the role or process  -please email :-info@taurangayoga.org.nz or call 022 350 3891 

Meeting will start at 7.15pm. Refreshments & nibbles provided 


TYC Committee


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